
Fees & Admission

Helpful Information

Funded Nursing Care (FNC)

Funded Nursing Care (FNC) is a weekly payment made by the NHS to cover nursing care from a Registered Nurse.

This payment is paid directly to Brockhampton Court and is separate to the fees.

Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding is sometimes available to some people upon leaving hospital.

Privately Funded Top-Up Fees

Some private additional funding may be required in order to top up Local Authority funding.


PayingForCare is an impartial and consumer friendly website providing information on all aspects of care funding including Local Authority assessments, care entitlements, costs of care and arranging care.

Need some further help?

The Advice & Referral Team at Adult Social Care are your first point of contact for help and support in accessing and arranging care assessments.